< www.one-2.org Common Electrician Injuries That Lead to Disability and Workers Compensation Claims Disability and Workers Comp Legal News

Image Source: https://DisabilityandWorkersCompLegalNews.com/2023/03/18/common-electrician-injuries-that-lead-to-disability-and-workers-compensation-claims/

Common Electrician Injuries That Lead to Disability and Workers Compensation Claims Disability and Workers Comp Legal News

After someone cuts off the electricity the medical professional will perform the procedure. If the patient touches or wears a device that works with DC current, electrocutions are common.

DC currents do not alternate so the person will continue to be electrocuted until an additional person is able to disconnect him away from current. If possible, other people might be able to assist the victim by turning off their power supply. Another approach to assist the victim is using a nonconductive fibre rod in the area and disrupt the current. Rescuers should be aware in this situation and not experience electrocution themselves.

It is not advisable to risk your life in the event of being electrocuted. You will need to assess the situation to decide whether it is safe to be near the victim. You should not touch anyone until the power is shut off. Do a few of the techniques for rescue mentioned, but only if they're feasible.

Cuts and Lacerations

Lacerations and cuts are frequent accidents for electricians as well. They are common among professionals who are working in cramped spaces that have little or no illumination. These can occur when dealing with electrical wires that are raw. The wires are typically extremely sharp. Lacerations and cuts can occur when a person uses cut-off tools that are not designed for electrical use.

These accidents are more likely be sustained by emergency electricians or workers who are operating in an area that isn't familiar to them. Workers' compensation insurance and medical treatment are not required to treat minor cuts and scratches. Severe ones can result in time away from work and the requirement of an exceptional benefit.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss could occur when there is an electrical fire. The explosion could occur when performing work on an electrical panel or while working near high electric current sources. This is the leading electrical injury for electricians and may be the hardest to take care of. The loss of bilateral or one-sided hearing can occur.
